What are the 7 ”must-have” components for any Business Website?
Hint: Although important, the following elements are NOT vital in terms of getting your Website visitors to do business with you:

Phone Number
Lead Capture Form
Marketing Message

(Okay. We need to go to a higher level. See the 7 ”must-have” components listed below.)

Let us know how we can help you with your existing or new Website. You can email me directly at greg@ucamarketingauthority and you can also call me at (609) 240-9635 during business hours. Thanks!


1. Know your Target Website Visitor
 When you create a Website, you need to know your Target Website Visitor. You need to know what that person is looking for before you do anything else. You need to ask, what kind of information are they looking for when they land on your Website? And you also want to make sure that the kind of information they are looking for is there, so that the person takes action and either calls or emails your business. (Important point: Most Website Designers are not trained in how to Market Your Business. They can produce a ”nice-looking” Website, but will that bring you more business? We can help you with this. Give us a call at (609) 240-9635 for more details or if you have any questions.)
2. Serve 80% of your Target Website Visitors on your Home Page
 f you want to cover all of the information that people are looking for… then your Website becomes messy. For example, a plumber’s site could have plumber’s tools, plumbing products, plumbing advice, etc… You don’t want this. Instead, you need to feature the main products or services that make you money. Otherwise, if your visitor can’t quickly find what they’re looking for they will leave your site immediately. You need to ask ”who are the most important visitors?” and cater to them. (Hint: You can list all of your products and services on a different part of your Website, but keep your main Home Page clean and simple.)

3. Split Home Page Traffic into 3 choices
 Okay. So, you’ve looked at the 100% potential visitors to your Website. From those 100% you select 80% of the visitors which are the most important (in terms of making money for your business), and then you split that 80% into 4 main categories or groups!

For example, a plumber’s site might have the traffic split into these 3 groups:

4. Keep your Home Page simple. Less is more!
 Having a lot of words on your Home Page is NOT good. It’s definitely better to keep it simple… Less is more! You should give your visitors only a few options. The most important visitors (those 80% mentioned earlier) to your Website… they need to like and find what they are looking for in seconds and take action on it…
5. Nice, pleasant-looking Website
 You need to have a nice, pleasant-looking Website. If you don’t have a clean, quality Website your visitors think that you are unprofessional. Remember that Google shows 10 or 15 search results on the First Page. If the visitors to your site don’t like what they see within the first few seconds… they will click away and find someone else.
6. Include Calls-to-Action on all your Website pages
 You won’t know when your visitors will be ready to buy or call, so you need to make it as easy as possible for them. You should have a Call-to-Action added to the Header and Footer of your Website. When they think “Okay, I need to find out more information… or I need to call them”, you must have your Phone Number and your Email Form available wherever possible. You can’t have too many Calls-to-Action. When they are ready to make a decision, they need to be able to find your Phone Number or your Email Form immediately.

7. Mobile friendly
 Your Website must be Mobile Friendly or Responsive. In addition to being able to view your Website from traditional Desktops and Laptops, more and more people are expecting to be able to view your site from Mobile Phones and Tablets. And a growing percentage of those people are now “Mobile-Only,” meaning they will never be using Desktops or Laptops when they come to visit your Website.

From the beginning, our Websites have been designed to be Mobile Friendly or Responsive. This means that your Website will look great, no matter which device your visitors are using when they arrive.

When your visitors view your Website from their Mobile Phones, they can try out one of our amazing new features: They can use their finger to tap on many of the Phone Numbers located throughout your site, and their Mobile Phone will call you directly from your Website. Go ahead… Grab your Mobile Phone, type in our Website URL and try it for yourself.